This project was made by 4 students from Maria Immaculata Lyceum: Khion Dandaré, Jayden Esser, Antisar Idriss, and Angel Kalmez. For our final year of VWO (Pre-University Education), we had to complete a project, also known as a profielwerkstuk, as part of our graduation requirements. The project began when Khion and Antisar came up with the idea of improving the motion detection camera they had seen at Carmabi (The Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity). The camera would trigger even at the slightest motion, resulting in numerous unnecessary pictures. Researchers had to scroll through countless images to find the animal they were searching for. This is where we came in. Together, we decided to develop an AI model that could detect whether a picture was of a deer, which led to the creation of the DEERSPOTTER3000.
Khion is interested in studying Computer Science and Engineering.
Jayden is interested in studying Mechanical Engineering.
Antisar is interested in studying Medicine.
Angel is interested in studying Computer Science and Engineering.
Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who helped us on our journey: our project supervisor Mr. Sandy Losiabaar, Erik Houtepen and his research team from Carmabi, Ms. Shamilly Koots, and Javier Diaz.
Esaki ta un proyekto trahá pa 4 studiante ku ta bishitá Maria Immaculata Lyceum: Khion Dandaré, Jayden Esser, Antisar Idriss, i Angel Kalmez. Pa nos delaster aña di VWO nos mester a traha un proyekto di profil tambe konosí komo ‘profielwerkstuk’ komo parti di nos eksigensia pa graduashon. El a kuminsá for di ora ku Khion i Antisar a bini ku e idea pa hasi e kamara ku ta detektá moveshon ku nan a mira na Carmabi (The Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity) mas efisiente. Pasobra e kamara ta saka un potrèt pa kualke moveshon chikitu, e ta resultá den hopi potrèt innesesario. E investigadónan e ora ei mester pasa den tur e potrètnan ei pa por haña e animal ku nan ta buskando. Esaki ta kaminda nos ta drenta, nos a disidí di traha un modèl di Inteligensia Artifisial ku por detektá si un potrèt ku e kamara a saka ta di un biná òf nò. Pesei e nòmber DEERSPOTTER3000.
Khion ta interesá pa studia ‘Computer Science and Engineering’.
Jayden ta interesá pa studia Mechanical Engineering.
Antisar ta interesá pa studia Medisina.
Angel ta interesá pa studia Computer Science and Engineering.
Finalmente, nos kier a gradisí tur hende ku a yuda nos riba nos karetera: nos supervisadó di proyekto Sr. Sandy Losiabaar, Erik Houtepen i su tim di investigadónan di Carmabi, Sra. Shamilly Koots i Javier Diaz.
For more information or questions about DEERSPOTTER3000 send us an e-mail at deerreceiver@gmail.com